Saturday, April 18, 2015

Baked Parmesan Hot Wings (they taste fried!!)

I enjoy my days off thoroughly. Especially times that I get to experiment new recipes. I know my roommates appreciate my days off! They are my test tasters!
So... I woke up this morning and was just cruising through which is almost the same thing as pinterest but for food lovers! And came by this recipe by chef John. It is the most delicious and quick mess-free wing recipe I've ever made!
Here is the recipe:
Baked Garlic Parmesan Hot wings
For the parboiling:
Large pot of water 3/4 full
1 cup balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp dried Oregano
1 tbsp dried Parsley
1 tbsp dried Thyme
1 bay leaf
25 chicken wings
8 cloves garlic crushed and mashed with salt
3 tbsp olive oil
red chili flakes
white pepper
black pepper
Fine breadcrumbs
1. Start with the parboil broth. Wait until simmer then add the chicken wings. Once it comes to a boil again, set the timer for 15 minutes and let to a rolling boil.
2. Mix the pureed garlic, red pepper flakes, black pepper, white pepper and olive oil in a large mixing bowl.
3. Stir until you get an oily paste
4. Remove the chicken from the broth and pat dry
5. Place all the wings in the large mixing bowl and toss to coat. Add a little breadcrumbs and parmesan cheese as your tossing.
6. Place wings on an oiled baking sheet and put in a 450F preheated oven for 25 mins
7. Let the wings rest for 5 minutes and serve!

Enjoy! Serve with some creamy italian dressing :) OM NOM NOM

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